create your personal google sitemap file

Check for updates
Start scan
Give feedback

Current settings

Expert settings

website root path on local file system of your webserver

url of your website
Ping after update
always inform google when sitemap is created
Compress sitemap
(with gzip; necessary if uncompressed sitemap is larger than 10 MB)
Stop this script after this amout of time
(will prevent timeouts in the execution, see documentation)
execution time in seconds
where to search for files

Local file system - will scan for files located on the hard disk of your webserver; will find all files that are not excluded!

Scan website - will scan the website with the build-in crawler engine; might take some time if there are many urls to crawl! Optional: crawl only this url:
Will only crawl this url and subdirectories!

Display edit screen
setup values for each url (priority, lastmod, changefreq, enabled/disabled) - might take some time with more than 1000 urls!
Create and use filelist
store values of created sitemap for next creation of the sitemap (values of priority, changefreq and enabled/disabled will be stored)
directories containing these substrings will will not be scanned for files and will not be added to site index; use line break to separate entries
files containing these substrings will not be crawled for further links and not added to site index; use line break to separate entries
remove keys in urls; you should add the session key here (default: PHPSESSID)

relativ to your page root; the generated sitemap will be stored to this file

Used by Yahoo, ...

relativ to your page root; the generated txt sitemap will be stored to this file

last modification date of file:
Disabled, do not write it
Get time from files
Use current time

select timeformat to use:
Long format (with time)
Short format (date only)

relative priority of an url related to whole website (value from 0.0 to 1.0, default 0.5)
Disabled, do not write it
Use this priority for every file
specify the update(change) frequency of the files
(from never to always)
Disabled, do not write it
Calculate change frequency from last modification date
Use this change frequency for every file(will not overwrite stored file information):